On Your Skin: The Wonders of DMAE

DMAE or dimethylaminoethenol and I have been buds for around 8 or 9 years now when I was first introduced to the Perricone M.D. line. Dr. Perricone is an advocate for DMAE, the naturally occurring substance with significant anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, as it’s an ingredient found in many of the products in his skincare line particularly the Face Finishing Moisturizer–which I’ve personally found to be my holy grail moisturizer for nearly a decade. Though genes play a huge role in my skin’s smooth texture and radiance, I certainly can attest to a significant improvement in the way my skin behaves now as to how it did back then. The constant? DMAE-containing Face Finishing Moisturizer.

DMAE has been known to help improve skin elasticity and firmness as well as diffusing the look of fine line and wrinkles not to mention its brightening properties.

So how can one get the most of this seemingly wondrous substance?

Well according to an article recently published on the Perricone MD site (which I read at 6 A.M.—call it my morning coffee), small amounts of DMAE are naturally produced in the brain, found in foods like sardines and anchovies, can also be ingested through supplements, and of course as we already discussed can be applied topically. “A diet high in DMAE will enable you to think more clearly, have an improved memory, and a much greater problem solving ability,” says Perricone. “Studies have also shown that DMAE acts as an antioxidant by stabilizing cell membranes, protecting them from free radical damage. By raising levels of DMAE in our bodies, we can think more clearly and have greater muscle tone in both face and body”.

I’m down with that!

Naturally as we age, our muscle tone reduces resulting in a saggy face and body. To improve muscle tone, Perricone suggests adding additional DMAE into our system. This can be done by eating more lean fish, applying DMAE topically, taking a DMAE supplement, and of course exercising regularly.

We’ll definitely chat more about this, so stay tuned! In the meantime, if you’re looking for some products that contain DMAE, check the widget below…



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