A Quick Word of Advice if You Hate Your Job

(glasses are old from Uniqlo; lip is MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour in Feels So Grand)

So my VERY quick backstory if you’ve just started following me is that I worked in Finance right out of college, while working at the bank I also got a Certificate in Image Consulting from the Fashion Institute of Technology and started my blog in 2007, quit my job in 2010, and have been working for myself since then. The road here has not always been easy which you can find out more about by watching my 10th anniversary video series on my Youtube channel, but I appreciate every single rough patch as it taught me many valuable lessons.

Like this one I want to tell you guys about…

Don’t discredit what you’re doing right NOW because it can be helping you build for your future dreams. Hate your job? I’ve been there. But what I want you to do with that energy is channel it into learning a skill NOW that can help you toward your future goal.

Case in point: before blogging I worked in financial services sales even when the economy had TANKED. Banks were folding left and right but I STILL had a sales goal (I even had a loan goal WHEN THE BANK WAS BARELY LENDING TO ANYBODY. HOW, SWAY?!?!) But one thing I will forever be grateful for even though I hated the job was how comfortable my sales training made me with being uncomfortable. I had to straight up roll up on strangers to get business. They even had us do call nights where we had to call clients at home—I cannot begin to tell you how many “sweet” little old ladies cursed me CLEAN OUT for that…lol.


But here’s the thing: all of that got me ready for things I’m doing right now. One of the most common things you guys have said after watching my most recent TV beauty segment is that I’m a natural. Well that came from being quick on my toes back in my banking days. Nothing prepares you for a 3 min TV segment like years of being told off at your bank job when you were just trying to explain that rolling money over in a CD over and over again isn’t always the best way to make your money work…lol.

So whatever your current job is now, I’m sure there are skills you’re still learning that you can use in the future. One thing I’ve noticed about a lot of people coming straight out of college getting into the workforce or trying to become entrepreneurs is that they severely lack customer service skills as well as interpersonal skills. One of the biggest things you want to have in life is people skills—no matter what you do you can win even more by having people skills. Don’t be that online boutique owner who has DOPE clothes but no one wants to risk buying from because you have a STANK attitude and ZERO customer service skills. You wouldn’t believe how many jobs are out there for the taking that you can get based MORE on your people skills than your other skills. So even if you work at a fast food joint, you are learning skills and getting experience that you can use for your future goals. Shoot, my first job in high school was at McDonald’s at an airport—I learned how to multitask, how to work faster, I got to practice conversational Spanish (¿para aquí or llevar? lol), and I learned how to work with different people.

I’ll say it again: don’t discredit what you’re doing right NOW because it can be helping you build for your future dreams. What do you think is easier to do and better for your well being: complaining about your job every single second of the day OR finding something about it that you can channel into getting your dream job? EXACTLY.

And that’s all I have to say about that…lol. Oh, and make sure you’re subscribed to this blog so you don’t miss a single post ;)



  1. Shawanna
    November 15, 2018 / 6:39 pm

    I’ve always said that everyone should work at least 2 years in some sort of corporate job. I’ve met all kinds of entrepreneurs severely lack any kind of people skills.

    • Danielle
      November 15, 2018 / 6:40 pm

      omg right?!?!?!

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